De Bono's Six Hats as a tool to respond to texts

Edward de Bono’s Thinking Hats is a tool that is used by individuals and groups, often in business- in industries such as finance, healthcare and manufacturing- for problem solving and brainstorming. It has recently been used in online teacher training. See here for an interesting article on training physical education teachers. It can also be used in the classroom to develop the students’ skills of analyzing things from different perspectives, as well as to develop their critical thinking. It additionally promotes inclusivity and ensures that all participants are actively engaged in group work. In case the technique is new to you, basically it involves six hats – blue, green, red, yellow, black , white- and this allows for a group of people to explore a problem from a range of perspectives instead of looking at it from a narrower point of view only. Each hat represents one particular way of thinking (blue = process, green = creative, red = feelings, yellow = benefits, black = cau...