Using live, interactive worksheets in online classes

Firstly, I have to say that I’m not a great fan of using worksheets. I think that there can be a lot of disadvantages and negative aspects, and they are often used without a thought to their suitability for the learners involved. Pre-made worksheets can be demotivating and unrealistic, in that they will focus exclusively on the target language in unnatural utterances. They can also tend to promote a more teacher-centred classroom, with a focus on the ‘correct’ answer and may give the false impression that language is always neatly packaged like this. There is often little interaction, communication with others or thought required to complete many worksheet. Have you ever have noticed that, after the lessons, worksheets sometimes tend to end up either in the bin or left lying on the table in the classroom, as they leave the room. Have you ever walked into a class to be confronted by this situation from a previous class? For the students who carefully file them away to take them home, ...